Every week or so for the past five months, there has been an assortment of early 20th century comic strip literature wandering its way into the bathroom of my apartment. In I stroll to take a seat and there on the back of the toilet, a Krazy Kat book! Some say it's the work of old George Herriman spreading the cheer of morning defecation, but I know better... It's a sleepy Chad, who made his way to the bathroom to take part in his Chadly buisness in the wee hours of the night. With sand in his eyes and sheep romping in his head, he forgets his newly purchased collectors edition on the back of the john and sets sail for dreamland... And with the dawning of the sun, as I trot down stairs for my daily shower, I am greeted with a gift. So here's to the Chads of the world, for without them we'd never know the wonders of E.C Segar, Bud Fisher, Georges Remi, and Billy DeBeck.
To honor them; a sketch in the style of 30's cartooning...

I'm naming him Homeless Humphrey! he was once a big spender before the market crashed, now he smells like piss and warm farts.
IMPORTANT INFORMATION: Chad Hanna has a web-comic you should all visit, and here it is! http://www.hedgetowncomic.com
Also stay tuned, I'll hopefully be posting a two page comic towards the end of the week, and for you animation fans, a lesson on breaking down Clampettian Distortion (the fiercest animation technique that roamed the golden age of cartooning! OOOOoooOOoOOoOooo! scary...)